Love Quotes That Will Make Her Laugh

40 Love Quotes That Will Make Her Laugh and Feel Happy



Love is a beautiful and powerful emotion that can make us feel happy, inspired, and fulfilled. But love can also be fun, playful, and humorous.

Sometimes, the best way to express our love for someone is to make them laugh and smile with our words.

That’s why we have compiled a list of 40 love quotes to make her laugh and smile.

These quotes are sweet, witty, and romantic, and they will surely brighten up her day and warm her heart.

Whether you want to send her a good morning text, a surprise message, or a romantic note, these quotes will help you convey your feelings and make her feel special.

So, here are 40 love quotes to make her laugh and feel happy.

1. Love is like a fart – if you have to force it, it’s probably crap.

You think that love should be natural and effortless, not something that you have to struggle or pretend to feel.

If you try too hard to make someone love you or to love someone, you might not be genuine or healthy.

2. My love for you is like a Wi-Fi signal – it might drop sometimes, but I’ll always try to reconnect.

You love someone very much and you are loyal and persistent, even if there are some difficulties or interruptions in your relationship.

You always make an effort to communicate and maintain your bond.

3. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly and the punchline to my bad jokes.

You feel that you and your partner are a perfect match, complementing each other’s personalities and tastes.

You also appreciate your partner’s sense of humor and ability to make you laugh.

4. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber!

You are trying to flirt with someone by using a pun on the word “cucumber”. You think they are very attractive and adorable.

5. Love is sharing your popcorn, even when you asked for a small and I went for the large.

You are grateful for your partner’s generosity and willingness to share their food with you, even when you ordered different sizes. You think this is a sign of love and care.

6. You’re the reason I look down at my phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.

You are so smitten with someone that you can’t stop looking at their messages or pictures on your phone.

You are so distracted by them that you don’t pay attention to your surroundings and end up bumping into things.

7. If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.

You are complimenting her by saying that they are very important and valuable to you.

It shows you pay attention to every detail and nuance of them.

8. Love is telling someone to go to hell and worrying about them getting there safely.

You are expressing your love-hate relationship with her by saying that you sometimes get angry or annoyed with them, but you still care about her well-being and safety.

You have a sarcastic and playful way of showing your affection.

9. You’re not lazy; you’re in energy-saving mode.

You are defending or joking about someone’s lack of motivation or activity by saying that they are not lazy, but rather smart and efficient. You are trying to make them feel better or laugh about their situation.

10. I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.

You are exaggerating your love for someone by saying that you love them more than coffee, which is something that you really enjoy and need.

However, you are also admitting that you are not willing to give up coffee for them, because that would be too hard or unreasonable.

11. Relationships are like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

You are making a pun on the letters X and Y, which are used in algebra to represent unknown variables, and also in slang to refer to your ex-partner and the reason why you broke up with them.

You are implying that relationships are complicated and confusing, and that you sometimes regret or question your past choices.

12. I love you with all my belly. I would say heart, but my belly is bigger.

You are humorously expressing your love for someone by saying that you love them with all your belly, which is a larger and more visible part of your body than your heart.

You are also implying that you have a big appetite and enjoy eating with them.

13. If I had a dollar for every time you made me smile, I’d be a millionaire. But hey, at least you’re not charging me for it!

You are praising someone for making you smile a lot, which is something that you value and appreciate.

You are also joking that you would be very rich if you got paid for every smile, but you are glad that they are not charging you for it, because that would be expensive or unfair.

14. I promise to always be by your side, or under you, or on top… whichever you prefer.

You are promising to be loyal and supportive to someone, no matter what situation or position you are in.

You are also hinting at a sexual innuendo, by saying that you are willing to be under them or on top of them, depending on their preference.

15. Love is not having to say you’re sorry for snoring too loudly at night.

You are defining love as the acceptance and tolerance of someone’s flaws or habits, even if they are annoying or inconvenient.

You are also admitting that you snore too loudly at night, which might bother your partner, but you hope that they don’t mind or hold it against you.

16. You’re the cheese to my macaroni, the jelly to my peanut butter, and the marshmallow to my hot cocoa. Basically, you complete me.

You are comparing yourself and your partner to various food combinations that go well together and enhance each other’s flavors.

You are saying that you and your partner are a perfect match, and that you feel incomplete without them.

17. I love you like a hobbit loves a second breakfast.

You are using a reference from the Lord of the Rings books and movies, where hobbits are a race of small and hairy people who love to eat and have multiple meals a day, including a second breakfast.

You are saying that you love someone very much, and that you enjoy spending time and eating with them.

18. I love you even when I’m hungry – that’s real love!

You are stating that your love for someone is unconditional and strong, even when you are hungry, which is a state that might make you irritable or cranky.

You are implying that hunger is a test of your love, and that you pass it with flying colors.

19. You’re the reason I wake up with a smile and go to bed laughing. Or is it the other way around?

You are thanking someone for making you happy and cheerful, both in the morning and at night.

You are also joking that you might be confused or forgetful about the order of events, because you are so in love or distracted by them.

20. Our love is like a fine wine. It gets better with age, and I keep buying more to drown out the madness.

You are comparing your love to a fine wine, which is a drink that improves in quality and taste over time, and that is often expensive and rare.

You are saying that your love is mature and valuable, and that you want to have more of it.

You are also joking that you need to drink more wine to cope with the craziness or stress of life.

21. If you were a cat, you’d purr-fectly be the one that stole my heart.

You are using a pun on the word “perfectly” and the sound that cats make when they are happy or content, which is “purr”.

You are saying that someone is perfect for you, and that they have captured your heart. You are also implying that you like cats or that you think the person is cute and cuddly like a cat.

22. Love is sharing your M&M’s, even when you specifically asked for the blue ones.

You are describing love as the act of sharing your candy with someone, even when you have a preference or a favorite color.

You are saying that love is generous and selfless, and that you are willing to sacrifice your own happiness for someone else’s.

23. You’re the reason I look forward to waking up every morning. Well, that and coffee. Mostly coffee.

You are expressing your excitement and enthusiasm for seeing someone every morning, which is something that motivates you and makes you happy.

You are also admitting that you need coffee to wake up and function properly, and that coffee is a very important part of your life.

24. If our love story was a movie, it would be a romantic comedy – with a lot of snacks involved.

You are imagining your love story as a movie genre, and you choose romantic comedy, which is a type of movie that features humor and romance.

You are saying that your love story is funny and sweet, and that you and your partner have a lot of fun and laughter together.

You are also mentioning that you like to eat snacks, either while watching movies or in general.

25. I love you more than a dog loves chasing its tail, and that’s saying something!

You are exaggerating your love for someone by saying that you love them more than a dog loves chasing its tail, which is something that dogs do a lot and seem to enjoy very much.

You are saying that your love is intense and passionate, and that it is not a common or ordinary thing.

26. You’re not just my sunshine; you’re my whole weather forecast.

You are complimenting someone by saying that they are not just your sunshine, which is a metaphor for someone who brightens up your day and makes you happy.

You are saying that they are your whole weather forecast, which means that they are everything that you need and want, and that they influence your mood and plans.

27. Love is accepting someone even when they forget to replace the toilet paper roll.

You are defining love as the acceptance and tolerance of someone’s mistakes or oversights, even if they are annoying or inconvenient.

You are also giving an example of a common situation that might happen in a household, where someone forgets to replace the toilet paper roll after using it, which might frustrate or irritate the next person who needs it.

28. You’re the jelly to my doughnut – making life a little sweeter and a lot messier.

You are comparing your partner to the jelly filling of a doughnut, which is a sweet and delicious ingredient that adds flavor and texture to the pastry.

You are saying that your partner makes your life more enjoyable and exciting, but also more chaotic and unpredictable.

29. If love were time, you’d be an eternity of laughter and joy.

You are using a metaphor to describe your love as a unit of time, and you choose eternity, which is an infinite and endless amount of time.

You are saying that your love is everlasting and limitless, and that it is filled with laughter and joy, which are positive and pleasant emotions.

30. You’re not just my significant other; you’re my snackificant other.

You are using a wordplay to describe your partner as your snackificant other, which is a combination of the words “snack” and “significant”.

You are saying that your partner is not only important and meaningful to you, but also tasty and satisfying, like a snack.

You are also implying that you like to eat snacks, either with your partner or in general.

31. Love is finding someone to be weird with. Luckily, I found you.

You are defining love as the act of finding someone who shares your quirks and eccentricities, and who accepts and embraces your weirdness.

You are saying that you are lucky to have found such a person, who is your partner.

32. You’re my favorite notification in a world full of updates and alerts.

You are complimenting your partner by saying that they are your favorite notification, which is a message or a signal that informs you of something new or important.

You are saying that your partner is the most interesting and valuable thing in your life, and that you always look forward to hearing from them, especially in a world that is full of distractions and interruptions.

33. If love were a workout, I’d be doing burpees just to impress you. That’s a big deal.

You are comparing love to a workout, which is a physical activity that improves your health and fitness.

You are saying that you would do burpees, which are a challenging and exhausting exercise that involves jumping, squatting, and pushing up, just to impress your partner.

You are saying that this is a big deal, because burpees are hard and unpleasant, and that you are willing to do anything for your partner.

34. You’re the reason my phone battery is always low – all those cute pictures of you!

You are romantically blaming your partner for your phone battery being always low. You are saying that the reason for this is that you have a lot of cute pictures of your partner on your phone, which take up a lot of space and power.

You are also implying that you like to look at those pictures often, because you find your partner very attractive and adorable.

35. If love were a food group, you’d be my favorite cheat meal.

You are comparing love to a food group, which is a category of foods that have similar nutritional properties and benefits.

You are saying that your partner would be your favorite cheat meal, which is a meal that deviates from your usual diet and indulges your cravings and desires.

You are saying that your partner is delicious and tempting, and that you enjoy spending time and eating with them.

36. You’re not just the missing piece in my puzzle; you’re the whole new puzzle that I want to solve.

You are comparing yourself and your partner to a puzzle, which is a game or a problem that requires skill and logic to complete.

You are saying that your partner is not just the missing piece in your puzzle, which means that they are the perfect fit for you and that they complete you.

Also you are saying that your partner is the whole new puzzle that you want to solve, which means that they are a new and exciting challenge that you want to explore and understand.

37. Love is sharing your pizza and stealing my fries. But hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

You are describing love as the act of sharing your pizza and stealing your partner’s fries, which are two types of food that are popular and delicious.

You are saying that love is generous and playful, and that you and your partner have a lot of fun and laughter together.

You are also saying that you wouldn’t have it any other way, which means that you are happy and satisfied with your relationship.

38. You’re the Wi-Fi to my heart – I can’t imagine life without you buffering my emotions.

You are comparing your partner to the Wi-Fi, which is a wireless technology that allows you to access the internet and communicate with others.

You are saying that your partner is the Wi-Fi to your heart, which means that they are essential and indispensable to you, and that they help you connect and express your emotions.

You are also using a pun on the word “buffering”, which can mean either loading or reducing, to say that your partner either supports or soothes your emotions, depending on the situation.

39. If love were a crime, we’d be serving a life sentence together.

You are comparing love to a crime, which is an illegal or immoral act that is punishable by law.

You are saying that if love were a crime, you and your partner would be serving a life sentence together, which means that you would be imprisoned for the rest of your lives.

You are implying that your love is so strong and intense that it breaks the rules and norms of society, and that you are willing to face the consequences together.

40. You’re the only person I’d share my dessert with – and that’s saying a lot!

You are expressing your love for someone by saying that you would share your dessert with them, which is a sweet and delicious course that usually comes at the end of a meal.

You are saying that this is a big deal, because dessert is something that you really enjoy and value, and that you are not willing to share it with anyone else.

Also you are showing that you have a sweet tooth or that you like to eat dessert.


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